CSA Veggie Box Program


com·mu·ni·ty     sup·port·ed     ag·ri·cul·ture


a community based model of agricultural production and distribution that links people to the farmers who feed them

About Our CSA Veggie Box Program

In addition to supplying supermarkets, restaurants and regional institutions with fresh, local food (check out our map of who’s buying local!), we also deliver to individual community members through a local vegetable subscription, known as our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Veggie Box program.

How It Works

CSA members (that’s you!) purchase a local vegetable subscription known as a “share” of what our farmers plan to grow prior to the start of the growing season and select a community delivery site. Once the season begins, we deliver your share of each week’s harvest to your site, where you pick it up and take it from there!

What To Expect

You can expect a variety of fruits, veggies and herbs in your share each week, all organically grown and freshly harvested. Because everything is grown locally, what’s in your share during any given week depends on where we’re at in the season and what the weather looks like that week.

The growing season in Montana is different from that in California! Shares tend to be smaller and less varied in the first few weeks of the season and grow larger and more varied as the season progresses.

What Makes Us Special


All of our produce is either organically grown or produced using sustainable practices and is harvested within a day or two of you receiving it, meaning it’s fresh, fresh, fresh!


As a multi-farm CSA program, we can offer a much wider variety of items than a typical single-farm CSA program, including fruit! A typical season includes apples, berries, cherries, melons, pears, and plums.


On top of offering 20+ delivery sites, CSA members can also purchase add-on shares, to be delivered with their regular produce share (every week or every other week, depending on the item). These add-ons include eggs, milk, cheese, bread, and coffee—all produced locally!

Join our CSA
in 3 Easy Steps:

  • Choose one of our main veggie shares: large or small, then summer and/or fall.

    We recommend small shares for 1-2 people and large shares for 2+ or if you eat a lot of vegetables

  • Decide if you’ll include any add-on shares like eggs, milk, cheese and more!

    Some add-ons are delivered every week and some are delivered every other week.

  • Pick a delivery site where you’ll grab your weekly veggie box every Thursday of the season.

    We conveniently offer over 20 sites in Western Montana including 11 in Missoula!

Ready to Sign up?

  1. Click the “Join Our CSA” button below and log into your existing CSA account (or create a new one).

  2. From your account Overview, click “Shop Subscriptions.”

  3. Select your share, click “Subscribe,” then click “Add to Cart.” Confirm your subscription, and you’re set!

  4. Add csa@wmgcoop.com to your contact list so that you don’t miss any important communication from us!

2025 Share Options & Prices

We offer two sizes of our local vegetable subscription (aka CSA share): large and small. Wondering which size is right for you? As a general guideline, we recommend a small share for 1-2 people and a large share for any more than that or if you really like your fruits & veggies! You can expect 5-10 items per week in a small share and 7-12 in a large share. Our large shares do contain more fruit and specialty items such as berries and heirloom tomatoes so if you’re really excited about those items, consider a large share (you can always find a friend or neighbor to share with if you’re worried about it being too much!).

Please note that these are general guidelines only—the best way to determine which size is right for you is to look at the week-by-week photos of both share sizes from our most recent season or check out our Instagram page!

We have discounts! Check out payment options and discounts below.

Summer Season

20 weeks • May 29 - Oct 9
Delivery on Thursdays

Fall Season

6 weeks • Oct 16 - Nov 20
Delivery on Thursdays

  • Sold out!


    $395: 1st early bird discount
    $403: 2nd early bird discount

  • $610

    $580: 1st early bird discount
    $592: 2nd early bird discount

  • Summer Members

    $167: 1st early bird discount
    $170: 2nd early bird discount

    Non-Summer Members

Get added to our small share waitlist here.

Where are the extended shares?

In order to simplify the veggie box options, we have eliminated extended shares. Want to join for the entire season (all 26 weeks)? Simply sign up for both the summer and fall share!

Delivery Sites

We delivery our CSA veggie boxes on Thursdays during the season. Click on the region below to see where we deliver in that area. 

Note: The delivery times listed below are estimates for 2025. Pickup windows will be finalized in May.

    • Wye - Jim & Mary’s RV Park: 12pm - 7pm

    • Ronan - St. Luke Community Healthcare*: 2:30pm - 4pm

    • Ronan - MMFEC: 2:45pm - 4:30pm

    • Polson - St. Joseph: 3:30pm - 6pm

    • Polson - 2nd Street (private residence): 3:30pm - 7pm - sold out!

    • St. Ignatius - Foothill Farm: 4:30pm - 7pm

*Site available for employees only.

If you’d like to talk with us about delivering to your neighborhood or workplace, please contact our CSA Program Manager at csa@wmgcoop.com; note that we require a minimum of fifteen members per site.

Payment Options

CSA members can either pay in full upfront (and depending on how early you sign up, receive a discount!) or pay the regular price and divide it between four payment installments. We accept credit card, check or EBT payments.


Pay upfront by March 31 to get an early bird discount. Enter promo code EARLYBIRD2 to get a discount on your summer and fall veggie subscriptions!

How to apply your discount: Add your veggie share to your cart here. On the review and confirmation page, under Payment Information, enter the promo code and click Redeem.

Please note: Payment plans do not qualify for the discount.

Desktop Site

Screenshot of payment confirmation page

Mobile Site

Note: On our mobile site, you'll need to click on the arrow (circled below) to open the promo code field.

Screenshot of payment confirmation page

Single Payment

Full payment is due at sign up.

Pay by February 28: 1st early bird discount
Pay by March 31: 2nd early bird discount
April 1 - May 1: Regular price

4 Payments

Payment plans do not qualify for discounts.

At sign up: 1st payment due
June 1: 2nd payment due
July 1: 3rd payment due
August 1: Final payment due

SNAP Benefits & Double SNAP Dollars

We happily accept SNAP benefits for all of our shares and are proud to be able to offer Double SNAP Dollars (DSD), which allows us to offer members paying with their SNAP benefits a one-to-one dollar match on produce shares. DSD funding is limited. If interested in purchasing a share with SNAP/DSD, please contact our CSA Program Manager at csa@wmgcoop.com.

Add-on Shares

We have an assortment of add-on shares including eggs, milk, artisanal bread, honey, coffee, and more—all produced locally! Please note that add-on shares* must be tied to a regular veggie share.
Image of mushrooms in cardboard box

Delivered Every Week

Click on the items below for more details.

  • Mission Mountain Organic Eggs


    1 dozen every week, 20 deliveries total

    Mission Mountain Organic Eggs come from happy hens that forage on green pasture in the summer and are fed organic Montana grains during the winter.

    Learn more at missionmountainorganiceggs.com

  • Lifeline Farm

    $110 - $170

    half or full gallon every week, 20 deliveries total

    Lifeline Farm raises their Brown Swiss cows on pasture and organically grown hay and feed. The cows are not given any synthetic growth hormones or routine antibiotics and the milk is non-homogenized.

    Learn more at lifelinefarm.com

  • Swift Current Farms


    One 4oz package every week, rotating selection, 6 deliveries total. This share primarily includes different varieties of local mushrooms such as lions mane and blue oyster.

    Swift Current Farms is a family-owned mushroom business operating out of Stevensville, Montana. They focus on growing and harvesting nutrient-dense mushrooms including lion’s mane and oyster varieties. With their operation, they aim to conserve natural resources, limit their carbon footprint, and steward the land.

    Learn more at www.swiftcurrentfarms.com

  • Grist Milling & Bakery


    1 loaf every week, 20 deliveries total

    Rotating selection of Grist's two deli bread varieties: Grist Deli & Millers Choice (both wrapped in plastic to maintain freshness)

    Grist breads are made with freshly milled, organic Montana grain.

    Learn more at gristmt.com

  • Kalispell Kreamery


    1 32oz container of whole milk, plain Greek yogurt every week, 20 deliveries total

    Kalispell Kreamery operates their family creamery and dairy in the Flathead Valley.

    Learn more at kalispellkreamery.com

Delivered Every Other Week

Click on the items below for more details.

  • Black Coffee Roasting Co.


    1 12oz bag every other week, roaster’s choice, 10 deliveries total

    Black Coffee Roasting Co. craft-roasts ethically produced organic beans from around the world.

    Learn more at blackcoffeeroastingco.com

  • Regular Share from Flathead Lake Cheese Company


    One package every other week, rotating selection, 10 deliveries total. This share primarily includes different varieties of Gouda, curds & feta.

    Located in Polson, Flathead Lake Cheese Co. crafts its cheese in small batches with milk from the Mission Valley.

    Learn more at flatheadlakecheese.com

    Family Share from Lifeline Farm


    One 24oz package every other week, rotating selection, 10 deliveries total. This share includes packages of several varieties including Cheddar (mild, sharp, and raw milk), Montzarella, and Jack. The larger package size makes it ideal for families!

    Lifeline Farm is an organic, biodynamic farm located in Victor.

    Learn more at lifelinefarm.com

  • Amaltheia Dairy


    1 8oz package every other week, rotating selection, 10 deliveries total

    This share includes a rotating selection of fresh, organic goat cheese.

    Amaltheia Dairy is an organic goat dairy farm located in Belgrade.

    Learn more at amaltheiadairy.com

  • Conservation Grains


    ~2lb bag every other week, rotating selection, 10 deliveries total

    Conservation Grains mills only fresh 100% whole grain, stone-ground flours because that’s what’s best for your health and for really great flavor.

    Learn more at conservationgrains.com

  • Wustner Brothers Honey


    1 8oz jar every other week, rotating selection, 10 deliveries total

    Nestled in the Sapphire Mountains south of Missoula, Sam and Jacob Wustner have been crafting raw honey for more than a decade. Their bees forage on untreated wildflowers and knapweed and is harvested from the hives by hand.

    Learn more at wustnerbrothers.com

Sign up for CSA today!